give wings to life.
Organ and
tissues donation
Recovery in
grieving processes.
Violence prevention for children.
Family Healing Center
Our Family Healing Center is a program aimed at grieving families including secondary victims of murder or homicide. We provide services in the areas of clinical psychology, thanatology, clinical social work, case management, and alternative therapies.
Art Therapy
The Art Therapy program provides parents and family members with means of expression that allow them to channel feelings of pain, anguish and sadness, transforming them into liberating and healing feelings that lead to recovery.
Superheroes School
The School of Superheroes comprises a series of education and empowerment workshops in which boys and girls identify a “power” linked to everyday life values. Our model encourages the development of resilience, emotional intelligence, problem solving, equity, and social justice skills in order to develop successful, fair and equitable adults.
Accompaniment in Coordination of Funeral Services, vigils and preparation of Memorabilia
Fundación Stefano support relatives who face sudden losses. We are with them from the moment the patient is in a trauma center, preparing memorabilia for them by registering the handprints of the family members who are in the process of leaving their bodies.
Stefano's Angels
Through this program the Foundation promotes the development of skills from a holistic approach to adverse situations or extreme violence. We attend to the basic needs of children and teenagers in order to ensure optimal development. This effort is oriented through educational, psychosocial and recreational components.
Volunteers Program
95% of the workforce in our foundation comes from volunteer hands that day by day serve and work to keep our programs active. From our headquarters, or in the community, they are the ones who offer a helping hand to make it a GREAT TEAM.
Register your company, organization, or become a HERO OF LIFE! Write to us!
All of our services are completely free of charge